Consumption, Retail and Services, Private Equity


Hortifruti is the largest retailer of horticultural products – Fruits and Vegetables – in Brazil, having as targeting costumers from A and B economic classes. In addition to fruits and vegetables, the Company’s flagship, which represents around 50% of the sales, Hortifruti offers differentiated products of a high customer acceptance, such as meats, dairy products, cheeses, wines and other products in the grocery line. Crescera’s investment took place in 2010 to acquire a 30% stake in the company. At the time, Hortifruti had 17 stores and the main growth thesis would be the expansion via the opening of new stores.

At the time of divestment in 2016, the Company had 42 stores, 4 distribution centers and its own distribution logistics involving a fleet of more than 220 vehicles.